Work With Us

Sterling Support Advantage - Work With UsWe work best with:

  • A mutual trust—we need to trust you just as much as you trust us. We need all the facts, just as you do, so we both must be comfortable sharing the full picture. That said, blind trust isn’t healthy for either of us! We work transparently so that you know what’s going on. If it seems appropriate in your situation, a family member, or a trusted accountant, lawyer, or friend could also be brought into the loop to add a layer of protection for both you and Sterling Support Advantage.
  • People who have time to explain their needs well, and are then ready to release the project to be handled.
  • A regular schedule or appointment timeline. Regular times allow us to ensure everything is covered in a timely fashion, saving you time, worry, and money. (Special projects are also an option, but those don’t have to be scheduled on an ongoing basis.)

Less successful relationships with us usually are a result of:

  • Not being able to take the time to hand the project or need off to us with sufficient information and direction. This often leads to the need to redo things, which costs both time and money. Taking a bit more time up front to make sure we’re all on the same page is the best way we can help you.
  • Your desire to be involved with every step and/or every aspect of the issue. The point of hiring us to help is so you don’t have to deal with all the details yourself. A healthy balance between detail and delegation must develop for us to be able to do our best work together.
  • Erratically scheduled appointments. Things tend to fall through the cracks and it then becomes difficult for us to confidently confirm everything is done properly and on time. Of course things come up and schedules need to be somewhat flexible, but planning to meet at regular intervals is the goal.

Refocus on the Little Pleasures of Life

Find Time for .

Sterling Support Advantage frees you to participate in life.  Whether that means helping you shoulder responsibilities, organizing routine tasks, or keeping the details on track, we’re here to support you.

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