Supporting Aging Families


Do you spend time with your adult kids doing what you really want to be doing? Or just tackling the day-to-day business, phone calls,and paperwork that are overwhelming you? Do your kids live at a distance from you and therefore you can’t spend as much time together as you’d like?

We all want to spend more time with family, but obligations, everyday tasks, and events constantly stand in our way. Let Sterling Support Advantage take on the day-to-day, so when you do have time to spend together, it can be spent meaningfully.

Sterling Support Advantage can also free you up to care for an ailing spouse or partner by taking on the mundane tasks that would otherwise keep you tied to your desk.

The time you spend together can be well spent.

Sterling Support Advantage - We Serve Families

Adults with Aging Parents

In the midst of your own family’s hectic schedule, finding time to be with your parents can be a challenge, especially if they aren’t nearby. As they age, you discover they need more support than they used to. You’re worried and want to help. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to be there for our parents and our kids in all the ways we’d like.  When you are able to spend time together, are you roped into helping with things they need help with?  Things Sterling Support Advantage could do for them?

Parents might not be ready to accept your help (or anyone’s help) just yet. We can aid in this challenging conversation, and share ways we will add value to their lives without it feeling like they’re being pushed aside or deemed less than useful.

What Makes Us Different

We can blend in, appearing to be part of your family, which offers greater privacy and discretion.

We form relationships that are intimate, caring, and loving. That said, we know we are only a surrogate member of the family. We help in ways that are supportive, not intrusive or judgmental, and allow you to lead. We don’t have the family history and baggage together, so we can be objective and simply get things done. We provide a safe space to hold confidential information without judgment.

Refocus on the Little Pleasures of Life

Find Time for .

Sterling Support Advantage frees you to participate in life.  Whether that means helping you shoulder responsibilities, organizing routine tasks, or keeping the details on track, we’re here to support you.

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